Perth Kitchens: Choosing the Perfect Benchtop: A Guide to Different Materials

Today, I want to chat about something close to my heart - benchtops. After 38 years in the renovation game, I've seen my fair share of materials come and go. Let's dive into some of the most popular options out there. 1. Engineered Stone : This man-made wonder has really grown on me since it hit the scene in the late 80s. I was a bit sceptical at first, being a natural granite lover. But the uniformity and light colour options have won me over. It's a great alternative to marble, which I wouldn't recommend for kitchens due to its porous nature. There's been a bit of a kerfuffle in the media about engineered stone lately, but don't worry - it hasn't been banned. It's like a banana cake recipe - even if you tweak it, it's still a banana cake! With all the new colours coming out, it's my top pick for Aussie kitchens right now. 2. Granite : If engineered stone is man-made, granite is nature's masterpiece. I absolutely love visiting my local...