The Art of Using Kitchen Extractors: A Designer's Perspective

In my 38 years of experience in home renovations, I've come across many kitchen features that are often misunderstood or misused. Today, I want to talk about one such unsung hero of the kitchen: the extractor fan. As the owner of Designs by Andrea, I've been sharing this wisdom with my clients for three decades, and now I'm thrilled to share it with you. Let's start with a common scenario. Picture this: you're cooking up a storm in your beautiful kitchen. The pots are simmering, the pans are sizzling, and suddenly, you realise the air is thick with steam and cooking odours. What's your first instinct? If it's to switch on your extractor fan to full blast, you're not alone - but you might be doing it wrong. Here's a little secret I've been sharing with my clients for years: using your extractor fan effectively is all about timing and subtlety. To understand this better, let's use an analogy that might surprise you - a bathtub. Imagine your k...