The Art of Using Kitchen Extractors: A Designer's Perspective


In my 38 years of experience in home renovations, I've come across many kitchen features that are often misunderstood or misused. Today, I want to talk about one such unsung hero of the kitchen: the extractor fan. As the owner of Designs by Andrea, I've been sharing this wisdom with my clients for three decades, and now I'm thrilled to share it with you.

Let's start with a common scenario. Picture this: you're cooking up a storm in your beautiful kitchen. The pots are simmering, the pans are sizzling, and suddenly, you realise the air is thick with steam and cooking odours. What's your first instinct? If it's to switch on your extractor fan to full blast, you're not alone - but you might be doing it wrong.

Here's a little secret I've been sharing with my clients for years: using your extractor fan effectively is all about timing and subtlety. To understand this better, let's use an analogy that might surprise you - a bathtub.

Imagine your kitchen filled with water, like a giant bath. When you pull the plug, the water doesn't immediately rush out. Instead, it stays still for a moment before slowly starting to swirl. In the Southern Hemisphere (hello, fellow Aussies!), this swirl is anti-clockwise, while in the Northern Hemisphere, it's clockwise. This gentle, gradual movement is key to understanding how your extractor fan should work.

Just like the swirling bathwater, the air in your kitchen should be in constant, gentle motion. The trick is to turn on your extractor fan at a low speed before you even start prepping your meal. This gets the air moving early, preventing the build-up of steam and odours before they become overwhelming.

Keep the fan running at this low speed throughout your cooking process - from prep to plating up, and even while you're enjoying your meal. Don't be tempted to crank it up to full blast or switch it off as soon as you've finished cooking. Instead, let it continue its quiet work until you've cleared away and all traces of cooking smells have vanished.

This method not only keeps your kitchen fresher but also helps to extend the life of your extractor fan. Many models can be quite noisy at full power, which often leads people to avoid using them altogether. By using it at a lower speed for a longer period, you're getting the best performance without the disruption.

At Designs by Andrea, we don't just renovate beautiful kitchens; we want our clients to enjoy their new spaces for years to come. That's why we always take the time to explain these little tricks that can make a big difference in day-to-day life.

Remember, your kitchen is the heart of your home. It's not just about creating a space that looks stunning (although we certainly do that!), but also about ensuring it functions perfectly for your lifestyle. Understanding how to use features like your extractor fan effectively is all part of making your kitchen work harder for you.

So, next time you're whipping up a culinary masterpiece, think of your extractor fan as a silent partner in your cooking adventure. Switch it on early, keep it low, and let it work its magic. Your kitchen (and your nose) will thank you for it!

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